Maverick Times October 2015


Principal’s Message

I LOVE this time of the year. The weather is cooling down, but the learning and school spirit are really heating up! I'm so proud of our efforts in the classroom, and also in our community. We are proud of our teachers and students that do a great job of fighting through tough learning challenges everyday. I BELIEVE IN ALL OF YOU! Please be sure to keep up your grades and don't FALL behind. Congratulations to the kids who met their AR goal! If you're not in a club, or activity yet, look for one and JOIN THE MAVERICK MOVEMENT. Let's be sure to close out this semester by giving our best effort and bringing home excellent grades, sports championships and wonderful personal accomplishments.


Mark Your Calendars

RVMS November School Calendar:

11/4~ 2:00-9:00pm Rubio´s fundraiser

11/5~ Cross Country meet

11/6~ Wear crazy socks day

11/11~ No school

11/12~ Cross Country meet

11/13~ Wear Camo

11/14~ Saturday School

11/19~ Pirate Math Night

11/20~ Maverick Blue/ Fall Festival

11/23~ No School

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